color post: green and grey

A while back I did a grey and pink post, 
and asked which other combos you'd like to see,
and the most common response was green and grey.

This surprised me a little,
as I've yet to have a client request this combination in their home.
That said, the rejuvenating effects of green work perfectly to counter the sometimes dulling effects of grey,
making this a fabulous combination to both relax you and uplift your spirits.

I think the saturation of the green is the key to getting this mix right.

Pale greens will be better enhanced by warm neutrals,
which flatter by intensifying green and making them appear fuller.
Cool greys require more vivid greens that have enough strength for a rich and balanced palette.

Grey - softened:
here, the warmth of greyed down woods bridge the gap between sisal floors and grey walls.
The emerald green accents add a punch to the otherwise neutral space.

This is my favourite look, where a bit of warmth keeps things from being chilly.
An incredibly liveable space, right?

High Drama:
the coolest grey on the walls is a good choice to complement the white and black in the space,
but I'm curious to see if you would find this palette welcoming.

I suspect this grey is almost solely comprised of black and white, with very, very little undertone.
If you removed the green curtains and chair,
 it would almost appear to be a black and white photo, wouldn't it?

Grey Love:
When you are ready to make a commitment to grey, but are trying on green.

The question is, how much green do you want?
Grey furnishings, white walls and green accents -
or grey furnishings, green walls and white accents?

A flexible look for the no-house-is-ever-truly-finished-decorator:
grey walls, white furniture, and green accents.

With grey as popular as it is, the walls will last you a few years of palette changes,
and the green accents are simple to change when you tire of them, say, next year :)

source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

Some of you asked if I could list grey paints for you to try,
and I was going to begin including my favourites in my posts,
but the truth is, the paints I like may not work for you.
It would be awful for you to paint your home a certain color because someone said how beautiful it was,
and then end up really unhappy with the finished results.
The light and existing finishes in your home, and your personal preferences,
mean that every home is unique, and every home should have it's own personalized color palette.

Colors that YOU love, not colors I love!
(you may not know it but I do on-line consults now, they've become quite popular,
and if you'd like a hand choosing paint for your home just drop me aline and we'll get started)

So, after all that :) ...

what do you think about green and grey together?
Is it a combination you would try out?

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